A Campaign to Renovate and Expand Our Facility for Students, Families, Friends and Future
Questions and Answers
A Compilation of Answers to Questions Asked(and Perhaps Thought, But Not Asked)
Q. Why are we paying a consultant when we are trying to raise money?
A. Churches that conduct capital campaigns on their own typically raise at most one to one-and-a-half times their annual income. Churches that use outside fundraising counsel typically raise 2 ½ times their income or more.
Q. Does the company we’re paying to run the campaign get a certain percentage of what we raise?
A. No. The fee we’re paying Walsh & Associates, the company conducting our campaign, is a fixed fee based on our annual offering income. While it varies, on average, the cost of a campaign led by Walsh & Associates is less than 5 cents on the dollar, fee and expenses combined. Our consultant, Tim Voss, is making every effort to keep our expenses low.
Q. Who wrote our campaign prayer?
A. Rachel Skrabal, our Prayer Committee Chair, wrote the prayer.
Q: Can I give appreciated stock or securities to Campus Lutheran to support the capital campaign?
A: Yes! A gift of securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.), especially securities that have appreciated in value not only provides the church with an immediate financial gift, but can also offer the donor significant tax advantages and an immediate charitable deduction. For more information, please contact the church office.
Q. If writing a check for the campaign whom do I make it out to?
A. Please make checks payable to Campus Lutheran Church with “Transform Campaign” in the memo line. Campaign Envelopes are available at the Campaign Display in the back of church and will be distributed at the end of the year with the offering envelopes.
Q. Will there be a protocol for anonymous giving?
A. All gifts are anonymous in that we do not publish for public viewing donors’ names in connection with specific gift amounts pledged or received. If you would not like your name to appear on any list of donors, then when your opportunity to pledge comes, simply note somewhere on your pledge card that you want your gift to be anonymous, and we will not identify you publicly as a donor to this campaign effort.
Q: If the campaign fails, what will happen to the money already donated?
A: Our campaign has already succeeded in that we have already surpassed our minimum goal. This means the project can move forward. If we “fail” to raise any more funds, we will have significant, albeit manageable, debt. The good news is that we have every confidence that our $1.3 million challenge goal is not only attainable, but also surpassable, if all members participate willingly and to the best of their ability. (The goals were established by the results of our comprehensive feasibility study).
Q: What do you need $2.2 million for?
A: $2.2 million is the conservative estimate of the total cost of our renovations and addition, including any cost overruns. Our church has never carried any long-term debt, and reaching our “Transformational” Goal of $2.2 million all but guarantees that we will be able to continue that tradition and not use any of our regular offerings to service debt.
Q. If we break ground in the spring of 2017, when will the new facility be ready to use?
A. The entire construction phase from start to finish will take about one year. Our current plan is to erect the addition, then we can utilize the new space while the current facility is being renovated. The entire project should be completed in spring of 2018.
Q. The plan states we will replace all the single-pane windows remaining after our renovation and addition. What will happen to all the stained glass windows in the church? What will happen to the Good Shepherd window in the chapel?
A. While final decisions have not yet been made, the stained glass windows will be saved and used in the updated facility. One idea with the Good Shepherd window, that our architect suggested, is to put it into a shadow box with a backlight and to display it somewhere in the church.
Q. What if I want to designate my gift to a particular portion of the project? How do I do that?
A. When you are given your commitment card to complete, simply indicate on the “Special Instructions” line or at the top of your card any restrictions with regard to your gift. This would also be where and how to tell us you’d like to gift a particular portion of our project. You’ll see these “Gift Opportunities” listed in our campaign newsletter, brochure and website. The volunteer who visits with you about your gift can provide more information.
Q. What if I want to make a gift or pledge in memory of someone?
A. Just note somewhere on your pledge card that you want to honor a loved one with your gift, and we will publish that information in our list of donors.
Q. Can my campaign payments be made electronically?
A. Yes. When you complete your pledge card, check the box for “electronic giving” to let us know you want to fulfill your commitment electronically and the campaign office will contact you to help you get that set up.
Q. Can the church be designated as a beneficiary in my will?
A. Yes! Please plan to attend one of our Creative Giving Seminars for more information.
Q. I want to gift a specific part of our project in honor of someone. How do I do that?
A. A list of available “Gift Opportunities” is listed in our campaign brochure and on the Gift Opportunities board that is part of our campaign display. Simply indicate anywhere on your pledge card the specific item(s) you want to gift and in whose honor you are gifting them, and we will record that information with your pledge. The specific method of recognition (a donor book, name plates, markers, etc., is still being determined by church leadership).
Q. If writing a check for the campaign who do I make it out to?
A. Please make checks to Campus Lutheran Church with “Transform Campaign” in the memo line. Campaign Envelopes are available at the Campaign Display in the back of church and will be distributed at the end of the year with the offering envelopes.
Q. I filled out a Volunteer Intent Card but have not been contacted yet?
A. Thank you! Your willingness to participate is greatly appreciated. Our campaign is just starting and we will contact everyone who filled out a card at some point during the campaign. If you haven’t filled out a card and would like to, the cards have been moved from the pews to the Campaign Display at the back of church. You can place filled out cards in the offering plate or hand them to an usher. Or you can call the Campaign Office at (573) 442-4849.
A Compilation of Answers to Questions Asked(and Perhaps Thought, But Not Asked)
Q. Why are we paying a consultant when we are trying to raise money?
A. Churches that conduct capital campaigns on their own typically raise at most one to one-and-a-half times their annual income. Churches that use outside fundraising counsel typically raise 2 ½ times their income or more.
Q. Does the company we’re paying to run the campaign get a certain percentage of what we raise?
A. No. The fee we’re paying Walsh & Associates, the company conducting our campaign, is a fixed fee based on our annual offering income. While it varies, on average, the cost of a campaign led by Walsh & Associates is less than 5 cents on the dollar, fee and expenses combined. Our consultant, Tim Voss, is making every effort to keep our expenses low.
Q. Who wrote our campaign prayer?
A. Rachel Skrabal, our Prayer Committee Chair, wrote the prayer.
Q: Can I give appreciated stock or securities to Campus Lutheran to support the capital campaign?
A: Yes! A gift of securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.), especially securities that have appreciated in value not only provides the church with an immediate financial gift, but can also offer the donor significant tax advantages and an immediate charitable deduction. For more information, please contact the church office.
Q. If writing a check for the campaign whom do I make it out to?
A. Please make checks payable to Campus Lutheran Church with “Transform Campaign” in the memo line. Campaign Envelopes are available at the Campaign Display in the back of church and will be distributed at the end of the year with the offering envelopes.
Q. Will there be a protocol for anonymous giving?
A. All gifts are anonymous in that we do not publish for public viewing donors’ names in connection with specific gift amounts pledged or received. If you would not like your name to appear on any list of donors, then when your opportunity to pledge comes, simply note somewhere on your pledge card that you want your gift to be anonymous, and we will not identify you publicly as a donor to this campaign effort.
Q: If the campaign fails, what will happen to the money already donated?
A: Our campaign has already succeeded in that we have already surpassed our minimum goal. This means the project can move forward. If we “fail” to raise any more funds, we will have significant, albeit manageable, debt. The good news is that we have every confidence that our $1.3 million challenge goal is not only attainable, but also surpassable, if all members participate willingly and to the best of their ability. (The goals were established by the results of our comprehensive feasibility study).
Q: What do you need $2.2 million for?
A: $2.2 million is the conservative estimate of the total cost of our renovations and addition, including any cost overruns. Our church has never carried any long-term debt, and reaching our “Transformational” Goal of $2.2 million all but guarantees that we will be able to continue that tradition and not use any of our regular offerings to service debt.
Q. If we break ground in the spring of 2017, when will the new facility be ready to use?
A. The entire construction phase from start to finish will take about one year. Our current plan is to erect the addition, then we can utilize the new space while the current facility is being renovated. The entire project should be completed in spring of 2018.
Q. The plan states we will replace all the single-pane windows remaining after our renovation and addition. What will happen to all the stained glass windows in the church? What will happen to the Good Shepherd window in the chapel?
A. While final decisions have not yet been made, the stained glass windows will be saved and used in the updated facility. One idea with the Good Shepherd window, that our architect suggested, is to put it into a shadow box with a backlight and to display it somewhere in the church.
Q. What if I want to designate my gift to a particular portion of the project? How do I do that?
A. When you are given your commitment card to complete, simply indicate on the “Special Instructions” line or at the top of your card any restrictions with regard to your gift. This would also be where and how to tell us you’d like to gift a particular portion of our project. You’ll see these “Gift Opportunities” listed in our campaign newsletter, brochure and website. The volunteer who visits with you about your gift can provide more information.
Q. What if I want to make a gift or pledge in memory of someone?
A. Just note somewhere on your pledge card that you want to honor a loved one with your gift, and we will publish that information in our list of donors.
Q. Can my campaign payments be made electronically?
A. Yes. When you complete your pledge card, check the box for “electronic giving” to let us know you want to fulfill your commitment electronically and the campaign office will contact you to help you get that set up.
Q. Can the church be designated as a beneficiary in my will?
A. Yes! Please plan to attend one of our Creative Giving Seminars for more information.
Q. I want to gift a specific part of our project in honor of someone. How do I do that?
A. A list of available “Gift Opportunities” is listed in our campaign brochure and on the Gift Opportunities board that is part of our campaign display. Simply indicate anywhere on your pledge card the specific item(s) you want to gift and in whose honor you are gifting them, and we will record that information with your pledge. The specific method of recognition (a donor book, name plates, markers, etc., is still being determined by church leadership).
Q. If writing a check for the campaign who do I make it out to?
A. Please make checks to Campus Lutheran Church with “Transform Campaign” in the memo line. Campaign Envelopes are available at the Campaign Display in the back of church and will be distributed at the end of the year with the offering envelopes.
Q. I filled out a Volunteer Intent Card but have not been contacted yet?
A. Thank you! Your willingness to participate is greatly appreciated. Our campaign is just starting and we will contact everyone who filled out a card at some point during the campaign. If you haven’t filled out a card and would like to, the cards have been moved from the pews to the Campaign Display at the back of church. You can place filled out cards in the offering plate or hand them to an usher. Or you can call the Campaign Office at (573) 442-4849.