In St. Paul's 2nd letter to the Corinthians, we read, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." Once you've decided what to give, Campus Lutheran has many options for how to give and where to give.
How to Give
Collection Box at Worship
There is a wooden offering box at the back of the sanctuary where you can place your gifts of cash or checks payable to Campus Lutheran Church. We track checks, and cash that is in a marked envelope, so that we can provide an accurate year-end giving statement to you for tax purposes. If you prefer to give in this way, and wish to receive year-end giving statements, please contact the church office.
There is a wooden offering box at the back of the sanctuary where you can place your gifts of cash or checks payable to Campus Lutheran Church. We track checks, and cash that is in a marked envelope, so that we can provide an accurate year-end giving statement to you for tax purposes. If you prefer to give in this way, and wish to receive year-end giving statements, please contact the church office.
Joyful Response
The "Joyful Response" program allows you to specify a one-time or recurring gift to Campus Lutheran, and it will be automatically transferred from your bank account or credit card to Campus. You can contact the church office for assistance in setting up your giving plan, or you can instantly do-it-yourself online by clicking the any green "Give Online" button on this page or to the left of the next paragraph. |
Give Online
You can come to this web page to make one-time or recurring gifts online using your bank account or credit card. It is recommended that you use your bank account. When you use your bank account, there are no additional fees to you or to Campus. If you choose to use your credit card, there are nominal fees assessed to Campus. Those fees will be displayed, and then you can choose whether to increase your donation to offset those fees. To give online, click any of the green "Give Online" buttons on this page to use this option. You'll find one at the top of this page, one just to the left of this paragraph (or perhaps above it, if you're viewing on a mobile device), and one at the bottom of the page. |
In addition to these common methods of giving, there are other ways you can return to the Lord a portion of what He has given you:
- IRA Distributions. For those who are 70 1/2 years of age and older, some or all of the required minimum distribution from your IRA may be tax-deductible if it goes directly to a qualified charity like Campus Lutheran Church. Consult your tax advisor for the specific ways it will affect your situation.
- Financial Instruments. You may wish to give in the form of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. These can be donated to Campus Lutheran. Check with your financial institution for information on how to make a gift of financial instruments to Campus.
- Charitable Bequests. Remembering Campus Lutheran in your will or trust is a way to give when you enter into the Church Triumphant. You can name Campus Lutheran as a beneficiary of life insurance policies, annuities, or funds from any existing financial account you own.
Where to Give
Unless you specify otherwise, all offerings and donations to Campus Lutheran go directly to the General Fund, which provides for all the mission and ministry teams, the staffing, and the general operation of the church as the congregation authorizes in the Annual Spending Plan. Giving to the General Fund provides the most flexibility for the church with regard to how your donation is utilized.
If you wish, you can specify a designated gift, which will be set aside in a separate fund to be used specifically for the purpose you designate. While you are always welcome to make a designated gift, please be aware that an unintentional consequence of designated gifts is that the restrictions sometimes force money to stay in an account for a long time waiting for the designations or requirements to be met, instead of getting used for ministry.
Aside from the General Fund, there are other places you might choose to direct your gift to the mission and vision of Campus Lutheran Church:
If you wish, you can specify a designated gift, which will be set aside in a separate fund to be used specifically for the purpose you designate. While you are always welcome to make a designated gift, please be aware that an unintentional consequence of designated gifts is that the restrictions sometimes force money to stay in an account for a long time waiting for the designations or requirements to be met, instead of getting used for ministry.
Aside from the General Fund, there are other places you might choose to direct your gift to the mission and vision of Campus Lutheran Church:
- Endowment Fund. Campus Lutheran has an Endowment Fund which is used to enhance existing ministries and initiate new ministries at Campus. The Endowment Fund is a way to make your gift last forever, because the principal (what you donate to the fund) is never spent. Its purpose is to generate proceeds (interest, dividends, etc) which are used to enhance or initiate ministry programs over and above our Annual Spending Plan. Each time a contribution is made to the Endowment Fund, it enables even more proceeds year-after-year to go towards increasing the Kingdom of God.
- Short-Term Mission Teams. Campus Lutheran sends short-term mission teams out into the world to share the Gospel in places like Alaska and Belize. If you want to directly support a team with your financial gifts, you may do so by designating your gift for a specific short-term mission team.
- Student Ministry. Campus Lutheran has always been intentional about its college student ministries. You can make a gift designated to supporting The Gathering / Lutheran Student Fellowship at Campus Lutheran. It helps maintain and grow the ministry we do to reach out to college students, support them, and connect them with Jesus, our church, and each other.
- Debt Retirement. Although we raised much of the money needed to pay for our building program, part of our Annual Spending Plan each year will be to pay down the mortgage that was required to complete it. You can give directly to the Debt Retirement Fund, and your gift will help directly reduce the amount needed to satisfy the mortgage.